Ford breaking the Western conventions, categorized sound into diegetic and non-diegetic sound. He use neutral shot, a perspective from directly on axis line, continuity of screen direction maintained by the intense level of story action. Two characters who can't occupy roles within civilized society, prostitute, alcoholic doctor. Note doorway shot.
And anyway, it doesn't matter because all the worries... and all the wrong turns that you made are as valuable and as, as, as cherished as the things that you did right.
"sex is not shameful" 打一星的人不要那么自卑给自己画地为牢明明把中国拍的很棒 终于在中国背景上第一次看到这么nasty的故事笑到我吐 也讲了很多海外华人的内心希望的归属感 真不愧是烂番茄91%鲜的作品为了抵消一星那些人给我免费播放片高清在线观看虽然这部电影还不足五星但也送上五星嘻嘻嘻