Insanely intimate, and poetically beautiful human bonds. The heartfelt and enchanting conversations. A few sneaks of the intriguing and charismatic rapport that is awe-spring and only a part of the huge iceberg. A gallery of flashback of memories of time. I may have lost all my words; just simply, in short, bewitching.
这个片子把live the moment这样一个简单的道理讲得太好了也太举重若轻了既不鸡血也不鸡汤也给了所有觉得自己找不到人生目标的人从心底里的抚慰像一个很柔软的拥抱一样然后我就在这个拥抱里猝不及防地哭成狗不是被硬煽情哭的而是被温暖哭的是吧野花高清影视免费观看西瓜可能目标本身不是最重要的生活本身才是啊那个旋转的叶子掉一次我哭一次就毫无还手之力还要努力让自己不要在影院哭出声太懂这种苦苦追寻意义然后突然一瞬间又觉得生活真美好的感觉了啊暖丧最为致命呜呜