hard to breath. hard to relax. heavy burden filled in each pieces of the story.
Birthday的剧情更饱满和丰富戏剧感也很强;Kiss me由于前面三个故事的铺垫一直在想着揭秘的究竟是什么看完全部蛇魔女还是最喜欢第一个there is No evil就像当初看《无码一区二区》时候前面欢快平和的气氛一定在酝酿着一个爆发的力量一直很喜欢伊朗电影包括其中表现出来的“力量”看电影的同时也默默祝愿导演平安并能够有一天拿回自己的护照亲自站在自己的领奖台上
Triple check, I will never ever have kids, like FOREVER AND EVER. But I still so wanna have a mom just like Pamela. Duke is a sweet angel now but she will stop being like this when she gets her sis’s age.