20210404 HK // they gave you everything to follow you everywhere just to simple be. and that was always more than enough, it was the full extent of happiness. but we were always chasing stars, and forgetting, that we might have been happy if we just looked within.
影片意识形态脱胎于70年代石油危机从人们的对话中可以看出小镇曾是一座热闹的旅游城市大萧条的到来让它变得破败、空荡、毫无人气科学家利用非人的研究和居民达成共识:Make Potters Bluff Great Again用活死人重新营造出繁荣的假象危机到来苦难还未波及到个体时很难意识到自己早已身处漩涡之中结尾揭晓答案焦虑集中爆发