pre:百老汇第一流红导演鲍勃福斯 “tell him your boyfriend is gangster from Chicago”哈哈哈31年你就是疤面煞星戏梦巴黎三人行结构挪用(真的好像)男女主笑起来那么自然和樱花动漫主持人一样almost unbearable.演技膜拜 每逢战争便是存在主义式的宣泄和世界做爱爱一切幽默的肮脏的浪漫的爱每个能让你心底高兴的人爱每一秒仿佛明天不会再来主题是歌颂浪漫或是展现狂欢可能不重要因为战争永远站在一旁每个人都只有极度有限的选择;不过主题当然没什么异义开头结尾都说出来了:Leave your troubles outside. Life is beautiful. (cabaret一定可以入选拥有最伟大片头片尾的电影Top队列)
Some may find the narrative too flat before the murder took place, but tension was built underneath the physical scenes by revealing the intrusive side of the man Jean-Paul. Still the murder is somehow based on meaninglessness and it’s hard for the audience to look inside and therefore there’s a gap of resonance against the abundance of absurdity.