"Hokusai looked at things in an animistic manner. Be it a rock or a duck, there is life in everything. There is a vital consciousness inhabiting those creatures. Like many Japanese, he internalized Buddhism, it's a way he lived his life."
记得我上international politics的时候跟一个有自己的政治理想的同学分在一组我问“你的政治理想是什么” 他说 “全世界deweaponized” 我觉得这是对的确实持枪自由的国家比禁枪的国家枪击率高的多母亲とが话しています免费按照伦敦奥运会的警卫训练员的话说"what harm can a knife do?" 但从商业角度卖枪是没错的
在互为备胎的两个世界里母亲とが话しています免费有着同样的一个你却并不是你"Do you think it's possible to truly love someone without ever knowing who they really are? Maybe we don't love someone for they really are. Maybe love is seeing them for who they'd rather be. "