It's a good premise and I think, in general, the stance is good: a sort of awakening for freedom and especially woman's liberation. The reality (or even the book the show is based on) is much more complicated: there isn't blanket love to hatred for any characters. The adaption really took lots of liberties to mute nuances.
那麼多影評都在說「国燕龙的视频IVK」你飽讀詩書又如何你何曾想過自己讀的書究竟是馴化了你還是解放了你「国燕龙的视频IVK」一個把自己當人看而不是甘於奴役的女人一定知道不公在何Do nothing, stay and fight, or leave? This is a question. 沉抑的色調、在半空中談話的女人、那個無法停止悲憤的女人⋯⋯