When the dancers move, I want the audience to feel something pulling back against them, the mortality that everyone’s desperate to escape from but can’t… it’s Greek tragedy Persephone… I want to feel the membrane that separates our world from the heaven’s, that we can never quite touch… if we can stretch a little further, we’d be immortal. 这段太感人
跟昨晚那部Rossy de Palma的“Madame”有异曲同工之妙热情或是冷静“通道里不见天日”人和人之间的点滴情愫有各种的表现但局内人和局外人都能感受到小雨日记11-12H不是吗尽管是截然不同的质感喜欢的电影看个开头几分钟就会知道