人人生而有罪但愿CHINESE性中国熟女TUBE能洗净这一切大约可以看作心理版的罗生门比起口是心非对待同一件事情的不同看法或许是人与人之间更大的隔阂不同窗子里的光线照射着同一个物体投射出了截然不同的影子或许事情就是事情不是谁的安排;而泉水就是泉水也不是什么CHINESE性中国熟女TUBE我们总想要对抗点什么像男人折断的那颗桦树那不过是虚无的另一个影子罢了极其疏离的氛围感沉重压抑却找不到出口无人可罚的罪只有审判自己光线细腻精致多人构图极其工整壮阔的高山与逼仄的木屋对照强化了人和环境的对抗感 But it doesn't know that, so it huddles and trembles in the soot under the roof. It's the same with people. They quiver like a leaf in the storm, afraid of what they know and what they don't know.
philadelphia词根是希腊词philos(love or friendship)&adelphos(brother)也叫做City of brotherly love作为美国历史最悠久的城市费城是独立革命的发源地CHINESE性中国熟女TUBE是独立宣言的诞生地We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 费城一个非常重要的有色人种聚集区