无语凝噎 最近刚好在读阿索卡小说 哭(´;︵;`) 我迟早会去一集一集看义军的少妇性SEXXXXXⅩOOOO也不知道lux还在不在我其实更喜欢rex和索卡的vibe但年龄上可能不太匹配; obi从来不是理想情人更不是伪君子 他是ideal Jedi 他不是安走天会屠尽仇敌 他谨记奎刚教诲的“着眼现在” 永远秉行“复仇不是绝地之路” always good at hiding his feelings. 这就是Kenobi; 帕皇的双持 摩尔的无助 萨瓦奇其实就是个铁憨憨 他一直都在找一个anchor 最后也是工具性的死亡 普罗孔真好
"I know exactly what I'm doing and it doesn't make me any less smart. To you, a housewife is someone who sold her soul for a centre hall colonial. She has no depth, no intellect, no interests. You are the one who said I could do anything I wanted and This is what I want."