第四季相比第三季有点往回收了至少法庭戏多了点个人最喜欢军事法庭那场戏那种法庭辩论和策略才有点主剧的熟悉的味道但是总的来讲血恋还是有点lost in the surface最后一集可以看作是自我检讨吧吐槽了那么多愤怒了那么多追踪了那么多最后回头一看是empty, pointless,不如沉寂下来好好讲讲justice and law的故事memo618是冰山一角背后的大石头能不能挖怎么挖挖多少都还挺好奇的期待下一季
She brings the sunshine to a rainy afternoon.She puts the sweetness in and stirs it with a spoon.She watches for my moods and never brings me down.She puts the sweetness in all around.She knows just what to say.To make me feel so good inside.And when I'm all alone.I feel I don't want to hide, hide, hide.大家都去听一下YES的Sweetness叭