Probably the only biblical topic I would watch: Mary Magdalene resembles the struggles of women since the beginning of the time, unfortunately, the film is very boring. “if there’s a demon in me it’s always been there.” I fell asleep because Santana was asleep next to me and it’s contagious :/
Think of all the roads, Think of all their crossings, Taking steps is easy, Standing still is hard, Remember all their faces, Remember all their voices, Everything is different, The second time around, And you've got time
最后一集Sammy你傻不傻你哥为你都舍弃了什么当你和你们的妈妈、亲外公、亲爷爷、半兄弟、他的天使女友、他的患难之交、他的老婆孩子、他自己只能二选一时他从来选择的都是保住你神挡弑神魔挡除魔你怎么会傻到觉得你是可以替代的给我免费播放片高清在线观看觉得在他心里这世上有任何事比你更重要从来就不是他丢开你去找别人而是你主动先走掉把他丢给别人“It's supposed to be you and me against the world, right?”既然那么痛苦就不要再放弃了不能永远只是你哥牢牢抓住你一辈子你也要主动去抓住你哥