我真的为SW流尽了我所有的眼泪ㅠㅠ这部拍得也太犯规了我也算是彻底跟新三部曲和解了到了现在SW系列的灵魂或许已经不再是故事和剧情而是一种情结吧拍完公主与Holdo告别那场戏Carrie久久出不了戏Mark看到Yoda的模型后哭唧唧说"This is really getting to me"Rey被告知身世真相的那种巨大落差猛烈H继攵稚嫩山村王娟李强小说真的都太触动人了ㅠㅠ
It might be admirable that Phil finally found his meaning of life in his ever repeated one day. But everyone is indeed just as him, repeating their life day by day. No matter you live in a sci-fi or not, it stays the same that you can only alter the world by changing yourself.