大主教还有 Commander and... 沃特福德太太 Mrs. Waterford... 我十分渴望能留下来 I would very much like to stay 待在这个家 here at home. 如果你们还接受我 If you'll have me. 礼数呢 Manners? 拜托 Please. 你还有别的话要说吗 Do you have anything else to say?
十分静默优美干净克制的表达有安静而真挚的情意、哀思、与憾恨那些温柔悲悯的日常细节也很动人Poetically meditating on the enormity of loss, the immense aloneness of grief, and the bittersweetness circle of found and lost and found throughout life journey. 出殡那一系列镜头太美了;在无尽的海潮声里他们默然行于山中雪絮倏忽飘入林间;在辽阔的密云之下她沿着海岸线尾随这一队人;最后在日光将逝、火光未尽的海边她向他袒露悬而未决的困惑与痛楚他对她提起或许每人都能遇到的私人而隐秘的“少妇高潮XXXⅩ白浆699”时刻生与死的形态死的余烬在生里