之前看大家评价辣么差 我的期望值从二百二直接降到了负二十二(这句纯粹为了押韵...)于是好像也没有感觉特别差 给你六十分及格啦 其实可以给Cara Delevingne再扣个二十分 but I'd like to turn staright for Margot Robbie 导演把好好叙事的功夫全都用在了配乐上啦 答应我 下一部好好讲故事
AMC La Jolla. It was… tho predictable, entertaining enough thru out. They kept up the bit & it didn’t turn funny like many teen horror movies did. There r def plot holes & it wasn’t too scary. The protagonist was pretty annoying she should have stopped trying to fix things and getting ppl into more trouble.