虽然剧情十分套路化但胜在情感丰沛美队的猕猴桃暖叔形象与萝莉的古怪精灵催生出很棒的化学反应且导演很了解观众想要的是什么适时地抛出几个催泪点这样就事半功倍了至于对如何教育第一章邬岳的讨论还是没有太多新意结尾看似平衡了be special和be a kid实际上还是愿望的成分多了些
1 of the best science documentary I’ve seen. There’s something endearing abt the particular American cheesiness of this hardcore phy edu flick. explain a complex concept in simple terms is the ultimate test & I believe this documentary can be understood by middle-schoolers, which is amazing. How I wish something similar were made every 10 yrs