Fuck ideology. Celebrate peace. Long for freedom. 不仅那个年代需要放在现在也一点不过时电影里出现的歌曲每首都恰到好处值得回味最佳当属Modern Love走出电影院的路上一直在单曲循环剪辑摄影也很棒整个电影都充满了节奏感不光是主演们每一个出现的角色都很出彩女人高潮抽搐潮喷视频开腿只是故事发展有的部分依旧没逃过韩式传统煽情北韩话可能听不懂南韩话可能理解不全但是基本不影响观影反正我看得津津有味影片从一个特定群体体现战争时代社会群像尤其在主角们身上把理想和现实的冲突戏剧化能给每个人尤其理想主义者带来很多感触·最后比起票房大爆数据走高更希望能成为被能长久记住的引人思考的佳作吧悄默默期待一下明年的颁奖季嘿嘿【曰本强姧伦人妻BD中文】【领袖水准在线观看】
“Hello. Hi. I'm waiting for someone. Who? I don't remember. Who's there? It's just me. Oh. I thought maybe... Never mind. I dont't think they're coming.” 唉 看过最灰色的电影 丧到心绞痛
“You can live without hope, and you can live without despair. Face never, then you can face life. Beyond hope, that's u only chance. For me, the only purpose in life is to live it. The world is a dark enough place for even a little flicker to be wellten. to see yourself as the world sees you maybe brave, but it also canbe foolish.why should accecpt