a close-up on the behind stories of an escalating violence between the police and the civilians. the yelling, smoke, vibrance and rebellious fightings are all very French. the long-shots brought out the tensions very well… the telling of the complexity of what a man stands for makes the film good. sometimes, a rush of blood makes decisions for us.
女王的后宫那么团结好感动(大雾个人主义集合的team work…笨拙但真心(雾中雾)It's all about loneliness. You have to find something you can waste all your time on, and climb up and up and up to resist loneliness. 不是世俗的向上ZZZZZOOOOO是这个东西它本身有向上的空间在这个空间里就会遇见也历经险阻走到这里的同伴;如果有compete属性基本就是女主酱紫了如果没有那就是另外的故事了情谊就是for a moment, you are my whole world. 喜欢这个瞬间的诠释不足之处来源于商业考虑(芬奇的剧都被cut了真的是难有很多心潮汹涌的时刻情绪快满上了都被爽剧的快节奏真理囫囵吞枣带过去了比如女主一个人去吃饭听到歌手在唱那场戏我很喜欢但情绪还没完整就切了还是些许浪费了很多故事原本的高光也因为这样才能火吧