像是神才能创造出的作品Antone本来就只是天使来人间游走了一遭Orson Welles把天使的翅膀折断了给我们看看他是如何在社会的机械迷宫中彷徨失措命悬一线被人类的原罪苦苦折磨炮灰美人总被疯批爆炒[快穿]最后以自我毁灭给幻象献祭当那些光怪陆离的梦魇还在我脑中盘桓时我听到他把我唤醒“I played the advocate and wrote and directed this film. My name is Orson Welles.”
3.5. Didn't quite get the overwhelming hate this film got. The satire here is not particularly intelligent nor incisive, but that seems fitting when reality is more mundanely grotesque than fiction: it's almost like the real world does not deserve to be treated in a more aesthetically profound manner. The sense of helpless anger and disbelief at the state of the world is quite genuine, and there are emotional moments that work quite well. It's a typically white and star-studded mainstream film, and that's okay.