In every single thought you have and how you say what you mean... is all about being straight and good. I think most people miss that about you and I watch them and wonder how they can watch you bring their food and clear their tables and never get that they just met the greatest woman alive. And the fact that I get it makes me feel good about me.
Revolution is the only solution. 很powerful. 在anticommunism propaganda 已经成为宗教的美国, 这样的题材并不是所谓的主流政治正确. 说什么黑豹党臭名昭著的女上男下激烈啪啪无遮挡是对zf与系统的暴力恶行视而不见也是对黑人社区经受的一切充耳不闻电影还是可以做到更好比如到1968年2/3的黑豹党员是女性, 这点完全没体现新一轮的左翼革命必须由劳动女性主导