Season 7, 6 episodes. || 相较于S1S2意气风发的福密爱金允珍由于JB的病体S7的福也增了几分阴郁然毕竟是JB版绝唱 || JW: Do you image it would prevent me from doing my duty to so old a friend? SH: There are the wheels, Watson. Quick, man, if you love me!_The Adventure of the Dying Detective
chrysalis蛹 kismet天命 Nostradamus预言家 stencil(用镂空范本绘制或印刷的)图案 chipper欢快 on the warpath虎视眈眈怒不可遏 vapid索然无味 eke a feeble victory勉强取得 dismal低落 more brawn than brains力量大于 paramour情夫妇 pandemonium喧嚣、极端混乱嘈杂的地方 somersault翻跟斗 on the off chance可能性小 debacle溃败 daunting令人却步 forage粮草 chanterelle鸡油菌 scram快走开 peppy活泼broad buffon无教养丑角 dweeb笨 exeunt退场 sordid卑鄙 mangle糟蹋