This movie is so outdated. The casual sexism, the glamorizing of police brutality, the weird looking cars... Oh and don't forget the racial stereotypes. I just wish to get pass choosing between bad portrayal and no portrayal. I hope the series get better.
后劲不足或者说他没有我预想中期待的桥段对人物的感性或者动机表述不明对人物挖掘的层面不算深更多地只点出大时代下的边缘人物的行为本身交换伴侣还是说命题更加开放放映为2021最新剪辑版展示了弥留之际的片段(网上也有)片尾曲blowin in the wind有点煽情 放映前正是袁爷爷去世的新闻哎
难民和种族困境无比贴合当下我看Bucky就适合找个homie过日子心理治疗什么的too much white people shit本来以为第五集结束了呢还跟人讲结尾挺好第六集这是搞啥Sam处理好仓促我义军头目处理也赶时间13就是你Marvel一块砖而且她现在越来越RevengeFontaine越来越Veep. Zemo最好看他一上线这剧开始有趣