一周之内两次坐在电影院前后只相差5天事实证明男朋友C你的时候你会说什么知乎这种暴饮暴食式的观影方式并不能让我更好理解电影果不其然第二次观影时候就睡了一半时间尽管醒着的时候确实能关注到更多细节也更能区分Guido的梦境与现实短时间内放弃了理解La Dolce Vita里Marcello或者8 ½ 里Guido的打算了除非我体验过、活过他们的生活与挣扎我很难共情更不要提理解这些角色的诸多选择再不然等哪一天我读了Fellini的传记又或者好好啃完Freud和Jung的理论著作再来重看吧
Those "bad guys" have to lie to the world to save their own souls. Are they still human or have they been dead since that cruel massacre? But in the end they will know, their victims never went to heaven, and souls can NEVER be saved.