The last scene that they kissed at the station on top of the scene when she blows away the neck - that type of intimacy is what I would called “sensational soft deep”. Best kiss of the year. The little boy is messy though.
躁动的失控的情绪I'm not ready/ I'm a total disappointment to everyone/ I need to figure myself out...既不了解自己也不了解这世界说everything is fucked up说世界上都是蠢人……其实世界也没有那么fucked up多的是人过得还不错《私密按摩师》在线观看只是那里面没有你A ghost world is like this…所以本应该永远不会来的公交车却来了来带你去一个……嗯随便一个什么地方吧