Every shot is an extraordinary piece of art; our planet is the most phenomenal masterpiece. It’s astonishing how the bio-diversities used to thrive in their own uniquely harmonious ways until we destroy them one by one. Humans are such assholes.
但是世界上真的有这么滥情又这么专情的男人么 i seriously doubt it 我觉得在对待感情问题上 男人比女人贪心一百倍
卓别林好厉害开头的工厂扭螺丝场景现场调度功力深厚而且不聪明的话绝对做不到吧白劳喂食机笑死了还很后现代反讽;著名的齿轮场景原来是他进到机器里去啦;商场双人体验戏真浪漫……几乎每一个场景都好好笑/喜剧的内核是悲剧:通过嬉笑怒骂、滑稽设计最近中文字幕在线MV免费呈现工业时代底层人民的艰难和小人物的心酸结尾落魄又温暖:Back up-never say die./ 真是个彬彬有礼的流浪汉爱了