Tough crime drama with a little dark comedy, it's a marvelous homage to the gangster films of old while still feeling fresh and different. The direction and beautiful cinematography give the film a wonderful look, such an entertaining and fun movie, particularly for fans of gangster films.
重看从立意上来说也许是阿莫多瓦最高的一部真相永远藏匿于黑暗之中但最后无论是真相还是黑暗都不再重要戏中戏与all about eve致敬绝妙女人们面对着不在场的男性(死亡、失踪、意识不清)留下的毁灭性aftermath在百转千折的相逢与再见之中像盛开的红色花朵一般执着灿烂根系如情感纽带缠绕共生即使生活满载悲剧也无法伤害她们分毫