以出乎意料的深刻探索了AI时代里爱情何为爱是talk一场漫长的絮絮自语爱是illusion自己一个人的幻觉之旅爱是grow up together谨小慎微试图齐头并进的成长爱是look up into ur eyes see the world come through有治疗早射的药物是爱上对方眼中的整个世界
Now, let's make like a wolf and get the pack out of here. On the outside, the five of you are villains, predators, remorseless sociopaths. But inside, there's a flower, the flower of goodness. And when it blooms, and you feel that tingle of positivity radiating from your body, you are going to want to feel it all the time.