Nostalgia for the 70s and 80s B-rated revenge films. The visual fetishes influence deeply how you "experience" the film and their expressive potential. Time is moving as are the visuals even if all objects are still in the frame. The action is completely raw, which makes it more impactful. It's a cult classic in the making.
山河破碎风飘絮身世浮沉雨打萍文公的诗句颇能诠释本片中不同年代的三段故事播放米老鼠也很是符合我等奔四人群的观影题材毕竟生老病死也许将在不远处走马灯式的出现无从拒绝也无处躲藏山河虽在故人如烟没有人能陪你一辈子mountains may depart!