i think they tried too hard to make it coming-of-age-y and it didn't work, the characters were not truly tested and the plot is just too cookie-cutter-y to feel genuine. coming of age stories work because there are true pains in it and not just an adult comedy disguised in a kid's movie
台词写的太好了没有一句多余又庸俗的话每一句都是那么考究且有趣以至于两个多小时看三个女人之间的故事完全不乏味反而处处是惊喜这部对于娱乐圈现实直白描述的影片放到现在都不过时说明娱乐圈没有一点进步JULIA ANN XXXXX甚至连剧本都越来越差了以及玛丽莲梦露诠释了一个美人对于镜头的吸睛能力有多强想要证明自己演技有多难因为看到她那张脸很多人已经听不到任何声音了她实在是太美了