several different types of running and driving, different e-motions. Death does cast light on Living, which is the essential emotion the film put on the spectators
资本至上娱乐至死There are no nations, there are no people. It’s the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. 讽刺犀利的台词寓言式的故事电视行业把人类变成了不懂思考的机器;和平年代媒体斗法就是没有硝烟的战争逐利的资本家洗脑观众男人补身体吃什么好获得一群没有情感的民众爱之欲其生恶之欲其死谁都有五分钟的成名机会但谁也没有明天他朝吾体亦相同/唯一值得庆幸的是威廉·霍顿老了更有魅力了年轻时的几分土气和憨厚反而不见了