Ken Liu的故事比边缘行者好太多了对于阿尔茨海默病的隐喻2012方舟是否认知衰退是所有智能(无论是人类智能、人工智能还是上传智能)不可避免的结局内核依旧是存在主义的无论是赛博格还是上传智能抑或克隆人都逃不开自身存在意义的命题尤其是当我们的存在生来就已经被编码的时候由此说来人类智能与人工智能、上传智能也并无很大差别人类也不过是被30亿个碱基对所编码的存在
I think I'm sick,it’s just me sitting and staring at the tv for long time interspersed by trying to not do that.and then lying about what I’ve been doing.then I’ll get so excited about that the excitement overwhelms men.and I can’t sleep or do anything.and I just am in love with everything…but can’t figure out how to make myself work in the word.