The interconnectivity between class, history, and the approach to mortality and/or timelessness. The connection each person has with the past and the stories it reveals comes from different sources, be it erudite traditions or heartfelt respect. The portrayal of the down-to-earth "amateur" lower class Brown is endearing, not a bit of smearing. Good.
填了一些设定上的漏洞比如One for All的能力到底是什么它所传承的规则和限制又是如何的话说最大反派被干掉得也太快了吧就一集讲完/追起番来真是奋起直追啊三天看完三季个人精力又得歇菜一会了
南中国海的飞机想起81192向英雄王伟致敬这部反派塑造得真不错无处不在的巨富画像狂妄自大爱显摆所以为了搞事业不惜一次性得罪两个安理会常任的心理显得顺其自然资本总是妄想超越国界凭女侠的身手怎么也应该是美救英雄可恨这是007的主场限制发挥了属于是停车场遥控汽车真的有boys with toys那味男男吃肉还是有蛮多幽默有趣令人印象深刻的小细节