I couldn't say if this is a comedy or a drama. I was laughing at loud at many scenes, yet a bit chocked by others. It has also many ingredients of parody : the gay right hand man from HK, the boss with cigars, the Chinese restaurant...etc. Classic fights too, with Chuck Norris
气氛大于情节镜头1自杀的交易员;镜头2是SG的高管以为松了一口气发现了14亿凭空多出来的钱让Jerome回去睡觉说银行内部会低调处理结果看到Jerome不是很开心的脸预感不对又查一月的帐夫人自己就是大佬发现持仓500亿……We are talking about 5 milliards!! Damn it. 疯子