“Sometimes you love a poem so much. Every time you read it, you learn something new, and you feel transformed by it. It's a very complicated, but faithful relationship.” 这段边看边流眼泪
NY 136. 典型希胖间谍动作爱情巨制在特效水平低下的年代一次一次刷新观众对大场面的认知比如这部里的坠机戏88k影院88k影视免九州缥缈录还有镜头穿越机窗的画面切换越看希胖的这类片越觉得现在每一部这类电影都是在抄袭完全没有新花样了
A hodgepodge of all the hot topics -- cancel culture, racism in academic, title IX, sexual harassment -- but none of the emotional and intellectual exploration.