喫晚餐时的伴侣就着饭餸将电影吞入腹中新浪潮在影史上的地位毋庸置疑了但在被宠坏了的今人的眼中看来野花香日本大全免费观看这样的电影已经远远不够满足胃口跳接的手法过于简单粗暴故事也不算吸引人物感情的展现也很牵强看罢只记得一句Live dangerously until the end
Cool. Great Movie. Life should never be DRAMA for me. I mean, I will never wait for anyone else until I believe in THE "love" which is likely impossible. Haaaa. Never try to imagine those lives within the guys. TWISTING and Horrible. Forget about it. Brown.