"Trembling of the soul on the verge of fulfilling a sacred yearning"; the missing transsexual identity and its confrontation with the outside world - body violated and crucified, life objectified and reduced, in the context of a social order, subjected to the destructive influence of the dominant system
传教士和大群陪我整整一个大学时光的剧落幕尤金线一直扭扭捏捏cass以永生之死殉情单恋jesse面对上帝放弃至高力量却还能摆弄对方一道报复手段比当面一击来得高明不满的点太多了猪耳统帅荒唐地削弱了整部剧最后的严肃味道枪杀女忠仆和警察的枪法又吃掉了对他过去无能的刻画射雕英雄传华山论剑为了保他而保他弥赛亚也不至于死但为高为大者必不忘过去瑰丽奇诡的坚持Thank you The Preacher