我见过最好的众生相男生说让我挽起裙子迈开腿没有之一台词与表演(不同背景、阶层者的面部细节)几乎无可挑剔/ “...but people wants to know who to blame...” / 意外怀孕的女儿与羞愤的父亲在街区受到了夹道欢迎这一幕原本显得尴尬且没头没脑直到我看到下一幕:叛逆的贵族之女被无法与之相互理解的家人环绕但所有人对车里响起的广播的态度是一样的 —- what a shame! what a shame!! 将这两段剪成前后脚呈现真是导演的神来之笔
Driving me crazy & took a long time to finish it wihout finding why it's soooo-o attractive.Reality? U are not kidding me. I prefer to believe The Notting Hill is closer to the life of yours.IT'S just a long long love story between two boring hetro teenagers.