评分奇高看得出来皇后乐队对于一代人的精神影响力然而电影就是电影想讲的东西太多而没讲到位的也很多中间有几段甚至冗长完全可略过作为Freddie Mercury这样又minority又bi又icon的巨星传记啦啦啦韩国动漫在线观看还是拍得太工整太不惊喜了沾光皇后乐队的音乐最后一幕We are the champion还是看得人热泪盈眶
Not as exciting as "Eye in the Sky" but still a well told amazing story. It is good to be reminded of the frustration of the Iraq War and the movie did a good job touching on multiple issues without deviating from the main story. I liked the subtlety. It's also interesting to see a husband in the underdeveloped supportive partner role.