No B.S., just talk based on the ground. Every thing comes with a proper reason, not a steady right or wrong. Face thee music and feel fun, otherwise R.I.P. Do as one thinks, better it and best it, considering others' feelings always. Anyone is what one is.
Life is hard when you're a kid and ever afterwards…………多兰成熟了好多驾驭长篇的叙事能力比前几部都要好并且费里尼都说过:“一个人所能做的纪录永远是也只能是对他自己的纪录”多兰这么多年以来一直在切换不同的角度来审视包括原生家庭、母子关系、性少数群体的身份认同的问题他一直在成长这比那些低分打嘴炮的来说可不容易