if you are at your late 20s or early 30s, it's probably the right timing to watch it. When you are half of lady bird and half of her mother. You know where you come from and where you are going. Or where not to go.
I m not ready for this! 水手只属于大海他不会上岸加入任何一侧的万家灯火就像上个世纪投来的目光虽然已经2020年了可是这个世界依然如是文本的影像化出神入化那镜头是最近日本字幕MV免费观看在线的眼睛他的目光里面有太多的温柔胶片即书页画面即文字有点想到追捕聂鲁达里的部分意大利语怎么这么好听年度十佳(期待二刷)