首先我觉得找Oscar和Rebecca来演父母太过份了 明明只大你茶十几岁 导演美学贯彻得很好 可惜少了点吓人(in a good way)的部分 但配乐太满了 没有什么特别大的槽点 但两个半小时不断提醒观众“咱后面还有哈”还挺好笑 基于这只是part one 其实真没什么好说的 那种夸得特别起劲的和骂得特别起劲的我都不理解 这不就是一个好莱坞大片吗
"One thing that I've learned about love, is that it is a lot like moving to a new country, trying to build something where nothing existed before. It's hanging on and letting go. It's messy, it's beautiful, like any giant leap of faith."