看完想去PCT徒步 法裔导演太会催泪了放的音乐(if i could /红河谷)直接击中内心有伤痕的人
时间失去了意义缓缓钢琴声We all fail everyday. There are some things we just can't succeed at.有很多事情我们都无能为力I know she is dying. 为什么要考古难道比一触即发的战事还重要吗告诉下一代我们的历史国产+欧美+日韩+精品这个责任无比重大我们从哪里来过去发生了什么现在又剩下什么
1麦克法兰一级棒2阿曼达的长裙太美了3柯林特伊斯特伍德招你惹你了4死法不能停啊5cult,cult,cult, i love cult
Movie of the year. A blessing for any theatre/musical lover or idealist. Story about 90s, Broadway, New York, creativity, love, fear, time, and life. Don’t mind Lin’s rusty directing, the emotions are so raw. R.I.P. Stephen Sondheim, who passed away just after the release of this film. We all have, and will always have a song unsung.