看完就知道标题有多讽刺了当他失去记忆失去身份失去脸失去一切makes Almasy Almasy的东西变成一个面目模糊的符号只有他最不想要、给他招致不幸盟国的国籍成为唯一界定他的身份猛男被狂C躁到高潮失禁男男小说但恰恰是英国抛弃了他和他的爱人这部二战片不一样的点就在于它通过反国籍来反战而不是通过同情本国人民和他国人民的遭遇反战恰如最后凯瑟琳在信里点题写的I earn for an earth without boundaries就像他们的地质勘探小组就是敌我界限森严的战争中难得的Cosmopolitan的净土最后说一句男主真帅女主真美Madox也帅
Same old tricks have been used by the Uniforms who always are weak and cripple yet full of moral judgments, they do not allow you to speak, they do not allow you to think, "Are you ready, for something or for nothing?"