wield more ability 魔女 witch miss banks special name die of boredom i take that as a no then children and dogs r not cut out for gardening here is ur picnic frizzy red hair 炸毛 white as sheet plain as nose indigestion we stand on the cusp of magic history this is the last straw I can't stand it anymore
9 经常提到二战不止是一种历史背景和人物小传常常引发的发问是我们为何而战what we fight for这也是石黑一雄在《漂流浴室》里提出的:我们受过磨难我们浴血奋战我们尽职本分我们村的许多年轻人为了我们能享有民主权利而献出生命日本TVVIVODES欧美即便地处偏远日本TVVIVODES欧美即便人微言轻我们也不可忘记自己在民主国家中肩负的责任最后一幕二人对抗deare有点像亨利五世