村上春树真是孜孜不倦地在写着没有灵魂的日本中年男人生活失去痛感LISA疯马秀在被妻子抛弃的阴云下生活已经很难分辨到底是他的写作就是这么无聊(玩弄些梦/虚构/谜)还是这个写作对象本身就无可救药最让人火大的是里面的一个角色又是俄国文学粉丝——这次的受害者是Tolstoy他能不能停止使用“灾难”和“俄国文学”作为给他写作增加重量的铅块啊…但结尾说实话还行:where did you go? Did the wind-up bird forget to wind up your spring? 写得挺美的平息了一些我的怒火…
I'm a fan of both the novel and Xiao Zhan. Though the drama has made several changes, I appreciate how they retold the story of Tang San and the Shi Lan Ke Seven Devils. They have managed to keep things exciting and visually appealing. At its core, it remains true to the original intent of TJSS, and I think that's a great achievement of the drama