why dont you write my eulogy now so I can correct it. What really holds us together is the version . the believe. a life that we are designed for this short time to Dream What does the end look like for me?? gotta be this strong independent woman who have tons of money to spend an tons of time to emjoy w the one that I love —— ynn
这个剧不怕剧透女主四十多岁还有这个长相身材很可以了去除老年斑价格可以看下去你知道她不是少女但她是一个生机勃勃的中女她就是能吸引年轻人的古怪小阿姨打不死的蟑螂但是她打工老是拿不到钱养老院怎么啥人都敢雇等将来我进养老院千万别让我遇见一些变态老头感觉这个剧设定像 lie to me爱小动物人士对殴打小狗这一行为表示强烈谴责结尾略儿戏了强行巧合