最后被车撞倒后流着鲜血躺在地上 脸上闪过一丝笑意 让我感觉她可能也像丹尼说的那样想的 “it`s like a serial killer revisiting the scene of a crime,they wanna get caught.They want it stop,or be stopped.” 俯拍视角拉远 仿佛Robyn终于像一辆失控的火车飞出轨道 她想从自己的手中逃离 表情中我读到了终于可以好好休息的平静 莫名让我脑袋里自动播放between the bars 不知道下一季编剧怎么写 真心不好接 这个结局
好不过五星差不过四星为什么一进去就想射主要时候还是为了看Russell Tovey的This show makes me rethink I am gay or what, that's weird. And I need consider this as "Enlightened 2.0" maybe( Two critical-claimed seasons, both consists of 8 eps).