重新刷了一遍这一部对1888年伦敦的塑造深得我心为此加一星尼德普显露出来的英伦口音也很萌那时候的医院真的阴森吓人刷ACS去医院仿佛逛鬼屋…开膛手加上皇室想要掩盖丑闻的阴谋论还有神神叨叨的共济会LISA跳舞视频高清名场面这个组合不错再者这时候的尼德普真是好看得不得了不对他所有时候都好看多年前第一次知道苦艾酒就是通过这部电影当然和多年前一样还是被尼德普和Marie那个吻苏到 I shall tell you where we are. We are in the most extreme and utter region of the human mind. A radiant abyss where men meet themselves. We are in hell.
"Even the most miserable life is better than a sheltered existence in an organized society where everything is calculated and perfected."在人生的任何一个当口看这部电影,都是悲剧...然而它那么美.