之所以给五星老王66福利3网站入口除了完美的图像完美的ever green以外还因为我的少年心里也住着一个miss G我曾经说过他的十八年值得我一生去经历却在经历的过程中慢慢的怀疑排斥最终和Di一样离开寻找再无力去追究真相与否少年需要有一个背影去追赶青年渴望一个肩膀同行我是否也会成为别人的miss G
可怜的阿珍但至少她挺过来自己的努力老王66福利3网站入口还有朋友的帮助只是最后爱滋这件事太杯具了…… Some folks got a light around them that shine for other peoples. I think maybe some of them was in tunnels, and in that tunnel, maybe the only light they had was inside of them.
too good to be true, I don't want to be part of a world where being kind is a weakness,