It’s the perfect documentary to answer the question I’ve seen under every transgender related feed: why should transgender roles be portrayed by transgender actors. Although as a general rule of thumb when it comes to every minority issue, if you are not the minority group that’s being affected, you should just shut up, listen and learn.
NY 151. 1.除去扼杀连续性的跳切之外最近免费观看高清韩国日本电影强调连续性的长镜也是极其牛逼啊形式感比特吕弗高太多但早期的戈达尔剧本本身的割裂感还不强或者说特吕弗编剧的缘故 2.几个长镜组成的午后卧室闲聊中弥漫的烟雾、情趣与虚无开启了伍迪艾伦加林克莱特模式比瓦伊达《最近免费中文字幕MV免费高清版》还要早半年